Our server has an internal fictional economy that works with ₥ Coins. These coins are not real coins but serve as a way to measure and pay your presence, engagement and playtime inside our server and some games.

These coins are not crypto or fiat but can allow you to buy special perks, entrance to giveaways or simply fun objects to share with everyone.

How to earn ₥ Coins?

The simplest way to earn some coins is to use the !daily command on #tavern channel. This will grant you a random number of coins that will go directly to your bags.

You can also gamble and win more of this coins by playing different games on tavern. The commands for these games are !guess, !roulette, !rps, !dice.

How to use the ₥ Coins?

You can spend your ₥ Coins on tavern’s shop with !shop and !buy commands. In there you’ll find the items available to shop and the price for them. Some of these items are just launched for a limited time, some others are evergreen to have fun and some others are there for your discovery.

Some items are just collectibles, some others are to use and discover special utilities.

For example: If you use the Golden Skulls on #pirates-deck channel. You’ll earn the #tavern machine role that will allow you to enter some special giveaways.
